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Undecided Major

Immaculata专注于帮助你找到符合你兴趣的专业, personality and ability.

College is a time for exploration and self-discovery; as a young adult you don’t need to know exactly what you want to do with the rest of your life. 虽然似乎每个人在上大学的时候都知道自己的专业, 事实上,不知道更常见,这完全没问题!

Rather than make a hasty decision about a major, 我们建议你从一个旨在帮助你更多地了解你的选择和更多地了解你自己的项目开始. 然后,当你确定你的专业时,它会非常适合你,非常适合你!

Choosing to be in the Undeclared/Undecided Program 将是开始你的大学之旅的正确途径,如果你:

  • 有很多兴趣,可能还没有准备好确定一个特定的专业
  • are feeling cautious about committing to a major
  • 想了解更多的选择,真正了解你未来的可能性

Check out our helpful four-step guide to choosing a major.

At A Glance

Program: Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science
Audience: Undergraduate students
Format: Face-to-face classes
Next Start Date: August 26, 2024
Time to Completion Four years

“我是大一新生,不知道自己想学什么专业,也不知道自己擅长什么. 未定计划是一个指导之手,帮助我了解我可能感兴趣的东西,我可以看到自己在做什么. 他们为我安排了一个时间表,让我学习各种不同的课程和学科."

Billy Freeman

Getting Started

Now is the perfect opportunity to explore. 在做出承诺之前,你可以看看你感兴趣的领域. Here is how to get started:

  • Complete your application. 在应用程序的“主要信息”部分,只需选择“未定”.”  Once you enroll at IU, 你将被指派一名专门从事探索性研究的学术顾问, who will assist you with your academic plan.
  • Immaculata offers more than 50 major choices. Investigate all the programs that IU offers here.
Program Highlights
  • 你将在学术成功和咨询办公室与你指定的学术顾问密切合作.
  • As you embark on this journey, you will participate in specially designed programming, including group events, individual advising, 并完成职业/个性问卷,以协助探索他们的价值观, strengths and personality types.
  • 你的学术顾问将与你和职业发展办公室的职业教练协调一次会议,了解更多你感兴趣的职业,并完成其他与职业相关的活动.
  • We are confident that by the end of your freshman year, 你将会得到充分的信息,并准备好选择你的专业.
Challenging the Myths about Being “Undecided”

Myth #1: “I’ll just figure it out eventually.”


只是等待和希望不一定能帮助你探索. You will need to do some work to find your path.

Myth #2: “I’m the only one who doesn’t have a plan.”

你可能会觉得你是唯一一个没有选择专业的人. 现实情况是,更多的学生以未申报学生的身份入学.

Myth #3: “Once I’ve chosen a major, I won’t be able to change.”

Some majors are easier to change than others, 但是没有学生应该继续在一个你觉得不适合的专业学习.

 Myth #4: “当我选择一个专业时,我就选择了我一生的职业.”

Understand that a major is an area of study, a subject that you enjoy, not necessarily a career choice. 这个专业可能会导向一个特定的职业,但也可能不会. Remember, too, 今天大多数人在一生中都要换好几次工作甚至职业道路. In fact, 劳工统计局估计婴儿潮一代, on average, changed jobs 11 times.

Myth #5: "有个测试能帮我找到最理想的专业"

有一些自我评估清单可以用来作为探索自己、专业和职业的工具. 然而,没有一个测试或清单可以绝对地将你匹配到完美的专业. To narrow your options when selecting a major, we suggest using a combination of inventory results, 与你的学术顾问和印第安纳大学的职业专家定期会面, 研究一下你将独立完成的专业.

Myth #6: “如果我一开始就犹豫不决,我就不能及时完成学业,和朋友们一起毕业.”

For most of Immaculata’s degree programs, 你可以在大一的春季学期选择你的专业,然后顺利毕业. 大约85%的未决定的学生在第一年结束时宣布了他们的专业,并且仍然按时毕业. 一个以“未决定”开始的学生在四年内没有毕业是非常罕见的. Sometimes, 仓促决定专业可能会导致不满意,然后在两年甚至三年后改变专业. 这时候改变主意会影响你预期的毕业日期.

Myth #7: “如果我致力于一门专业,我就必须放弃所有其他的梦想和计划.”

我们发现许多尚未决定选择专业的学生有很多兴趣爱好. Remember that there are many ways to combine programs; the most common way is to add a minor in your second or third year at Immaculata. All degrees have room for and require electives, so you can take classes and explore other interests, 即使课程不是你所选专业的一部分.

How Crucial is the Choice of a Major?

Don’t rush your decision

  • Studies show 那些花时间和精力去探索专业的学生比那些早早选择专业的学生毕业率更高.

What employees want

How important is your major?

  • 你对专业的选择很重要,但并不是所有的原因都是如此.
Bridget McDonough

Student Spotlight

23岁的布里奇特·麦克多诺(Bridget McDonough)因在美国红十字会的志愿工作获得了年度社区服务倡议奖.

Just The Facts


Student to Faculty Ratio

With a 10:1 student/faculty ratio, 个性化的学术关注是Immaculata课程的一个标志.


Academic Programs



Clubs and Organizations

从30多个组织中选择建立关系, broaden perspectives and gain leadership experience.

Discover Immaculata

Grounded in IHM tradition and charism since 1920